WordPress, a future (and present) profession
If you are wondering what to read or do, becoming a WordPress developer is one of the best conditions for you. Let's analyze why. MORE POST
But first ... what is WordPress?
WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System). Content management system. In other words, the software that you install on your website gives you a control panel to manage its design and content.
Yes, I know. This definition leaves much to be desired and is not entirely accurate, but it is for everyone to understand. I try to be practical.
Thus, the difference between creating a website "by hand" or with CMS is that you need to know at least how to program it in HTML and CSS. And it is recommended that you know JavaScript and PHP. On the other hand, if you do it with a CMS like WordPress, you don't need to know anything about the code. Although we are not stupid, it is highly recommended.
In other words, whether you know how to program or not, you can dedicate yourself to the development and implementation of WordPress. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
Three work profiles on WordPress
WordPress, a future (and present) profession
If you are wondering what to read or do, becoming a WordPress developer is one of the best conditions for you. Let's analyze why.
But first ... what is WordPress?
WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System). Content management system. In other words, the software that you install on your website gives you a control panel to manage its design and content.
Yes, I know. This definition leaves much to be desired and is not entirely accurate, but it is for everyone to understand. I try to be practical.
Thus, the difference between creating a website "by hand" or with CMS is that you need to know at least how to program it in HTML and CSS. And it is recommended that you know JavaScript and PHP. On the other hand, if you do it with a CMS like WordPress, you don't need to know anything about the code. Although we are not stupid, it is highly recommended.
In other words, whether you know how to program or not, you can dedicate yourself to the development and implementation of WordPress. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
Three work profiles on WordPress
We can set up three fairly classic profiles of WordPress professionals:
Implementers: They don't need to know code or programming. Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with the tool and its environment, as well as the standard and sustainable themes and plugins. They can offer fast implementation at a low cost.
Developers: Have some knowledge of WordPress features, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can allow some editing of plugins and themes, the adaptation of code, and customization. They can offer some custom WordPress builds at an average price.
Programmers: They have complete control over the functions of WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even some who know the systems and servers. They usually no longer act as clients but instead release their own plugins and themes.
If you would like to learn more about these three profiles, I suggest you read the WordPress Professionals article, where I will look at each of these profiles, their limitations, what they should offer professionally, and What should they give up?
WordPress Marketplace
But let's talk about the market! And if you're an implementer, developer, or programmer, you're in luck, because the WordPress market has an extraordinary future (and present). And let me tell you something from experience. I have been working with WordPress for 11 years. I started in 2004, a few months after it came out, and I followed it at full speed. And I assure you that adoption is a foregone conclusion.