The media and its influence on beauty standards

 Beauty has been a factor that has maintained a relevant role throughout history, as part of the common interest in different times and cultures, which have become the cyclical evolution of Humanity.

The media and its influence on beauty standards

Although the aesthetic content of each idea of ​​beauty is different in each historical period and geographical location in which they have been developed, it should be recognized that their influence on social behavior has frequently been of such relevance that it is possible to identify an era by its values. Aesthetics and their legacy to the cultural heritage that characterizes a given human community. On the other hand, the growing impact generated by the media in the social behavior of our times is undeniable, especially in its function of transmitters and propagators of images associated with aesthetic canons, with its components that easily guarantee happiness and success. READ OTHER POST

For those who are direct recipients or consumers of such representations or models. This aspect has become a worldwide phenomenon, which especially affects women, the axis of this study, who have historically been determined and influenced by different fashions and trends to fulfill their role of being beautiful, a requirement that traditionally does not exist. To such a degree, men, that if they feel the inclination for beauty when choosing a woman. In this way, the importance assigned to beauty in societies has been increasing consciously until reaching extremes that negatively impact the self-esteem and confidence of women, having in the worst cases serious consequences for both the physical and mental integrity of those who lose self-confidence and are undermined by this situation.

This situation motivated the origin of this research, with the aim of determining what is the real influence that the mass media and advertising generate on the female population, increasingly invaded by a culture of image and appearances, and in what way they impact stereotypes of beauty in the values, beliefs, self-esteem, inferiority, and reality of Chilean women.

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