A standard adult workday lasts eight hours.

 A standard adult workday lasts eight hours.

Ironically, the children's schedule is no less busy.

A better curriculum, sections, clubs and tutors not only reduce children's time but also energy.

There are two popular reasons why parents want to give their child a large number of clubs: competition and the desire to advance as many skills as possible.

Both are completely out of touch with the baby. OTHER POSTS

Talked about how to properly encourage a child to participate in the "Ukrainian truth. Life":

Katrina Holzberg, family psychologist

Pediatrician Anastasia Bykova-Shelivetska,

Christina Shishkarieva, professional dance teacher

Ksenia Rozhak-Litvinenko, mother of two.

 How to choose a circle

First, it is important to consider the child's age and level of development, as well as the desire to participate in the club without pressure from parental authority.

The child will not be able to choose the direction of the object itself immediately. The best way to choose a circle is to try and experiment.

The younger the age, the more important the child's desire.

Katrina Holzberg, a member of the Professional Association of Child Analytical Psychologists, explains:

The child should understand what it is like to be engaged in one direction or the other in order to prioritize one of them.

From the age of 12, it is possible for a child to incorporate inner motivation to do something and try to succeed. "

Sometimes the child retreats not from the circle itself but from the form of performance. For example, she may like music - but she doesn't play the piano.

If the child is interested in any direction, it makes sense to participate in several test lessons with different disciplines.

The child may return to the abandoned circle by changing the shape of the class.

"It is better to guide the child in different directions, so that he can decide for himself what he likes," recommends Totem Kristina Shishkareva, artistic director of the School of Modern and Classical Dance.

It doesn't hurt to consult a specialist who can assess a child's skills so that there are no unreasonable expectations. "

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