Sport-chic style: ideas for fashionable images

 Sport-chic style: ideas for fashionable images

Sport chic is a style of dress formed by mixing sporty and romantic and / or business styles. The relevance of this style is due to its compliance with macro trends in the fashion industry: democracy, naturalness, convenience. Sport chic will remain in trend for a long time, as more and more people choose convenience and simplicity. OTHER POSTS

The argument-chic style has no unbreakable rules and restrictions. On the one hand, this is a plus, there is a field for experiments. On the other hand, there is a danger of overdoing it with eclecticism. How to fit sportswear into everyday outfits so as not to look "city crazy"?

Algorithm for collecting a harmonious image: we take things in a sporty style and complicate them a little with the help of things from a romantic or business style. For example, take a sports-cut pants on a drawstring and add a jacket, a T-shirt and sneakers to them. Important: to make the image aesthetic, we use simple things of a laconic form. Ordinary things will look complicated and interesting together, in an urban, modern and relevant way.

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